ADOPTIn Memory of Sudan

James Jacob Give Sudan Mudbath
Sudan the rhino
Sudan the Rhino

Weighing more than two tons and with the personality of a golden retriever, Sudan was the last known male northern white rhino on the world. His remarkable story moved the hearts of everyone, and he was a perfect ambassador for his species.

With the aim of conserving a species being decimated in the wild by civil wars and poaching, Sudan was captured in the 1970s, and translocated from Sudan to Dvur Kralove Zoo in Czechia. Despite concerted efforts, few northern white rhinos were born in captivity, and it was feared the environmental conditions in Czechia were inhibiting reproductive success. In 2009 the species was officially declared extinct in the wild, and Sudan, alongside three other northern whites – Suni, Najin and Fatu – were translocated from Dvur Kalove to Ol Pejeta. It was hoped they would be stimulated by their ancestral habitat, and their offspring would repopulate Africa. Sadly, Suni passed away in 2014, and despite all efforts, no further offspring had been produced. This left just Sudan and his daughter Najin and granddaughter Fatu.

Led by Caregiver James Mwenda, Sudan was protected 24/7 by armed guards in a special enclosure and received world-class veterinary care. He was loved by all, described as incredibly approachable, very tolerant and patient of humans.

On the 19th of March 2018, Sudan passed away. He had been suffering from age-related health issues and from a series of infections. Once his condition worsened significantly and he was unable to stand up and evidently suffered a great deal, the decision to euthanize him was made by his veterinary team.

RELOCATED:from Dvur Kralove Zoo in Czechia
DOD:19th of March 1989


Sudan may no longer be with us, but he is survived by his daughter Najin and granddaughter Fatu. It costs us $60,000 a year to protect just one of the last two northern white rhinos! You can help secure his legacy by symbolically adopting in Sudan’s memory and support the ongoing care and protection of the last two known northern white rhinos, Najin and Fatu.


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Adoption Certificate

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12 month term

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A photograph

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Ol Pejeta Timeline

Northern White Rhino Fact Sheet

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Exclusive updates, photographs and video content about Sudan and the rhinos on Ol Pejeta

Sudan’s story has been chronicled in movies, documentaries, news feature segments and innumerable other media platforms. There is no denying that he now goes down as the most prolific rhino ambassador in history. This gentle unassuming creature was beloved by the thousands of visitors who trooped from all over the world to meet him. Presidents, business leaders, conservationists, sports and media personalities and excited school children had a transformative experience after meeting him. He was the subject of numerous sculptures, art exhibitions, school projects and even tattoos; all of these being great tributes to the last male standing.

His distinguished but tenuous role was a catalyst for scientists to come up with technological innovations such as IVF engineering that could potentially bring back northern white rhinos from the brink of extinction. Such advances may hopefully be used one day in preventing the extinction of other species, breaking new ground in global conservation technology. Yet more credit for Sudan, albeit posthumously.

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ol pejeta conservancy